
Excessive GMO Usage in Vermont Leads to Increased Pesticide and Fertilizer Use

Originally published on By Torrance Gaucher Regeneration Vermont, a fairly new non-profit based out of East Thetford, Vermont is working hard to keep the food supply safe in the Green Mountain State. The organizations main goal is to educate farmers

2024-03-12T17:35:39-07:00July 1st, 2016|RegenVT|

The Path Forward: Regeneration Agriculture in Vermont

The battleground over industrial agriculture has, understandably, been centered around GMOs for the last two decades. In the U.S., the GMO debate has largely revolved around labeling, both nationally and, more successfully, on a state-by-state basis. Vermont, of course, was

2024-03-12T17:59:57-07:00May 19th, 2016|Essays, RegenVT|

The High Price of Vermont’s Degenerative Agriculture

The history of Vermont’s heavy adoption of industrial – or degenerative – forms of agriculture is also the history of its failure and decline.  At every stage, beginning with chemical agriculture in the post-WWII era, the new techniques being promoted

2024-03-12T17:37:02-07:00May 19th, 2016|Ben & Jerry's Watch, Essays, RegenVT|

Vermont’s GMO Addiction With Or Without A Label

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Vermont has proven itself to be a leader when it comes to showing its concern over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture and food production. It was the first state in the nation to pass GMO-labeling legislation,

2024-03-12T17:59:03-07:00May 19th, 2016|Essays, RegenVT|
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